Trees Planted by Streams

Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. What a heavy responsibility for the trusted. My ability to trust has run a little dry on more than one occasion and it is frustrating. It can alter your perspective, your ability to care for and love others and even how you feel about yourself, IF YOU LET IT. And we are human, so chances are at some point in your life you HAVE let it. But sisters, the Lord brought me to my laptop today to tell you that He is trustworthy, He is so worthy of your trust.

I know the hurt of misplaced trust all too well, it stings more than a paper cut. I’ve been the betrayed, I’ve been the betrayer, and it isn’t a good feeling no matter how you look at it. For me, what crushes me the most is not the act of cheating or lying or gossip itself, but it is the fact that I am being let down by someone I held such a high standard to. It makes trusting anyone that much harder. And as my life will tell it, I get over the first let down and trust again, just to be crushed yet again. Who we are choosing to trust is important. I’m not saying that you can’t trust anyone or that you shouldn’t try to trust again. Not at all. But what I am saying is that trust placed in the Creator is never misplaced. It is such a delivering feeling when you realize there IS someone you can trust with all things.

But how can you trust something you don’t see? I get it, it is such a weird concept to trust in someone who isn’t tangible in the natural world, who you may not hear yet, especially when you come from such a hurt place. As Christians, we must walk by faith. We take risks for love and money making opportunities, but why is it so hard to take a risk in the name of faith? I’ve seen that when I trust in the Lord with all things, and more recently, a personal relationship, things just fall into place. Doors begin to open. Jeremiah 17:7 says that blessed are those who trust in the Lord and put all their confidence in him. Let Him love you girl!

Bottom line is, there will be bumps, potholes, whole medians in your road, but trusting that God is bigger than your circumstance and being confident in his strength and ability to overcome, because He has already overcome, is key to getting out of your mess. Psalm 56:4 says that since you trust in God and are not afraid, what can mere humans do to you? Don’t get hung up on what they did, what you did, what they said, what had happened. Ground yourself in God’s promises for you and let yourself be restored. I love this next verse:

They will be like a tree planted by the water that send out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green; it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:8 – 10

Single mommas, my prayer for you today is that you put your complete trust in the Lord. Be a tree planted by Christ so that you never fear the heat of your situation or the dry seasons of your life. Know where your strength and guidance comes from so that you may never fail to bear fruit. Let your leaves always be green because you know the Lord is who is in control. Embrace the spirit of confidence that has been given to you so that you can overcome again, love again, laugh again. Smile, things are going to be just fine.

2 thoughts on “Trees Planted by Streams

  1. first, we must free our hearts ♥️


  2. 🌿🍃🌳 soooo beautifully written my sweet sister! My word! I love reading your posts! I’m in awe of you girl! Praise god! Let him continue using you! God bless you and may he keep watering your life with wisdom and revelations! We need more of you!

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